Footpaths and Bridleways

In England and Wales, a ‘Right of Way’ refers to a path or other byway on which the public has a legally-protected right to pass and re-pass. A definitive map of all public rights of way has been compiled for all of England and Wales as a result of the Countryside and Rights of Way act 2000.
Shropshire Council Definitive Map (click to view)
There is a responsibility placed on the local authority and landowners to ensure that these Rights of Way are passable, but there is also a responsibility placed upon the public to use them sensibly. Shropshire Council’s Rights of Way Guide can be viewed below.
Shropshire Council's Rights of Way Guide (click to view)
In brief, footpath and bridleway users:
- must keep strictly to the line of the path and not loiter;
- should walk a dog on a lead or keep under very close control (particularly when crossing land containing animals);
- must clear up dog waste; and
- can, if necessary, take a short, reasonable detour to get around any illegal obstruction.
Report a Rights of Way issue (click)