Website Accessibility
Website Accessibility for
Our website
Our website is managed by the Clerk for Upton Magna Parish Council.
We want as many people as possible to be able to use and enjoy this website and we are committed to making it as accessible as possible and compliant with the Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
The layout and text have been made as simple as possible to understand and visitors should be able to navigate it using just a mouse or mouse pointer and keyboard. If you are a disabled computer user, the Government has produced a guide which can be found at AbilityNet. It has advice on making your device easier to use such as making your screen images and text larger, using a text reader to convert text to sound, using Voice Recognition to control your computer, and increasing mouse pointer size etc.
Accessibility on the website and how to report a problem to us
The Parish Council website is currently undergoing extensive checking for accessibility, by the Parish Clerk. Once completed, monthly checks will be carried out to ensure it continues to be accessible. We are already aware that some parts of the website are not fully accessible, and these will be worked upon over the coming weeks to make them accessible where possible. However, some of the documents prior to September 2020 cannot be changed as, for instance, they have been agreed and signed as a correct record (e.g. meeting minutes) or they are scanned images that have been uploaded to this website (e.g Annual Governance Return), but accessible copies will be made available (where possible) on request to the Parish Clerk. We are always looking to improve the accessibility of the website and if you think there are areas that are not meeting accessibility requirements, please let the Parish Clerk know. Her contact details are at the end of this document.
What to do if you cannot access part of this website
If you would like any information that is on this website in a different form like PDF, large print etc., please contact the Parish Clerk with your request. This will be considered, and you will receive a response within 10 days.
Enforcement procedure
If you feel you need to complain about any part of our website, please contact the Parish Clerk first but if you are not happy with how we respond, you can contact the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) who is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
Mrs Jennifer Turner - Telephone: 07534 990237. Email