Welcome to the Upton Magna Parish Council website. Please follow the menu headings to find what you are looking for. If you need any further help, please contact us by email: uptonmagnaparishcouncil@gmail.com or by phoning the Chairman on 07954 524460
UPTON MAGNA MEMORIAL HALL is run separately.

Upton Magna Parish Council has signed the Civility & Respect Pledge, agreeing to treat people with dignity and to challenge bullying and bad behaviour in all areas of the council's business.
Some information about the Parish Council:
A parish council is elected by the local parishioners (the people who live in the village and surrounding area). It represents the first tier of local government, serving the community at a local level. Elections to the Council are held every four years and the Council has an allocation of seven seats. Parish Councillors are volunteers.
The Parish Council's income mainly comes from the precept, which is part of your Council Tax payment. The Parish Council uses this money to provide a range of services which include street lighting, ground maintenance, grants to the village hall, local organisations, etc.
The administration of the Council is handled by the Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer and they are the only paid employee of the Council. Other services carried out by the Council are contracted to individuals or companies.
The Parish Council is consulted on all planning applications within the parish, but has no decision-making powers. See the Planning page for more information.
The Parish Council normally meets on the second Thursday of every month (except August)The meetings are usually held in Upton Magna Memorial Hall. Agendas for forthcoming meetings and the minutes of those that have been held are displayed on the notice board outside the school and on this website. Parishioners are always welcome to attend these meetings and there is an opportunity to raise issues at the start of each meeting.
The Parish Council is very keen to receive the views of local residents and welcomes suggestions.